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  3. HFU640UY200J High Flow Industrial Water Filter

HFU640UY200J High Flow Industrial Water Filter

Type: High Flow Water Filter Element
Part number: HFU640UY200J
Media: PP
End Caps: Plastic
Custom made: Avaliable

The Huahang High Flow Filter Element 152x620 is made from high-quality materials, ensuring its durability and longevity. It is designed to be compatible with a wide range of fluids and capable of filtering out particles down to 1 micron.

Type High Flow Water Filter Element
Part number HFU640UY200J
Media PP
End caps Plastic
Custom made Avaliable
Features and Benefits:


Multi layer pleated construction with optimized surface area
Thermally bonded construction
High flow rates per element
Low cost of installation and filtration
Handle for easy filter replacement


Optional part number:


HFU620UY010 HFU620UY050 HFU620UY100 HFU620UY200
HF40PP010A01 RFP050-40  HFU620UY400 HFU620UY700 HFU620UY01000 HFU620GF010
HF40PP040A01 RFP100-40  HFU620GF050 HFU620GF100 HFU620GF200 HFU620GF400
HF40PP070A01 RFP500-40 HFU620GF700 HFU620GF01000 HFU640UY010 HFU640UY050
HF40PP100A01  RFP1000-40 HFU640UY100 HFU640UY200 HFU640UY400 HFU640UY700
  • Cartridges produced in a controlled environment.
  • Manufactured according to CE and ISO 9001:2008 Certified Quality Management system.

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