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  2. 3μm Titanium Sintered Powder Filter Element
  3. 3μm Titanium Sintered Powder Filter Element

3μm Titanium Sintered Powder Filter Element

Type: Sintered Powder Filter Element
Material: Titanium
OD: 40
Height: 150
Filtration accuracy: 3μm

With its excellent filtration efficiency and durability, this filter element is highly suitable for use in harsh environments where reliability is crucial. Whether you want to remove pollutants from liquids or gases, this filter provides optimal performance and long-lasting service life.


Type Sintered Powder Filter Element
Filter layer Titanium
Dimension 40x150
Filtration accuracy 3μm
Working temperature -20~+110℃
Package Neutral
Uniform structure and narrow pore size distribution: This makes its separation efficiency high and filtration accuracy high High temperature resistance: It can generally be used normally below 280 ° C to 300 ° C, and some can even be used at high temperatures of 500-600 ° C.
Good chemical stability: resistant to acid and alkali corrosion, with high antioxidant properties.
Good mechanical performance: It can be filtered by pressure and suction, easy to operate, and can be repeatedly regenerated and used.

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