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  3. Custom Made Stainless Steel Filter Element 18x76

Custom Made Stainless Steel Filter Element 18x76

Product: Stainless Steel Oil Filter Element
Media: Stainless steel
Dimension: 18x76
Basket: Flange
Custom made: Avaliable

Our custom-made stainless steel filter element features a high dirt holding capacity, and its unique design ensures low pressure drop, allowing for consistent flow rates and prolonged filter life. With its high-efficiency filtration, this element removes impurities and contaminants, preventing damage to downstream equipment and ensuring a smooth and reliable operation for your system.

Type Stainless Steel Oil Filter Element
Dimension 18x76
Basket Flange
Custom made Avaliable






Oil and gas filtration
Water treatment
Chemical processing
Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Industrial wastewater treatment
Aerospace and aviation
Automotive manufacturing
Marine industries
Stainless steel filter elements are chosen for these applications due to their high strength, excellent corrosion resistance, and long-lasting performance. They provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for reducing impurities in liquids and gases.




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