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  3. F074088 Hydraulic Oil Filter Element

F074088 Hydraulic Oil Filter Element

Type: Hydraulic Oil Filter Element
Part number: F074088
Sealing material: Nitrile
Filtering Layer: Fiberglass
Flow direction: Out-In

The F074088 hydraulic oil filter element adopts a pleated filter medium, which can provide a large filtration area to ensure the maximum removal of impurities and pollutants. This filter is designed to prevent clogging and ensure consistent filtration even under high stress conditions. It also has high pollutant absorption capacity, reducing the frequency of filter replacement and maintenance.

Type Hydraulic Oil Filter Element
Part number F074088
Sealing material NBR
Filtering Layer Fiberglass
Features and Benefits:


Durable and long lifespan


High oil flow rate


Great with synthetic or conventional oil


Economical, practical and easy to install






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