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  2. Polymer Melt Filter Element 100x350
  3. Polymer Melt Filter Element 100x350

Polymer Melt Filter Element 100x350

Type: Polymer Melt Filter Element
Media: 50 μm sintered felt
Dimension: 100x350
Skeleton: 316L punched plate
Custom made: Avaliable

The Polymer Melt Filter Element 100x350 is specifically designed to remove impurities such as gels, specks, and other particulate matter commonly found in polymer melts. This helps to improve product quality, reduce downtime, and minimize waste.

Type Polymer melt filter element
Dimension 100x350
Skeleton 316L punched plate
Media 50 μm sintered felt



One of the key features of the sintered felt polymer melt filter is its high efficiency in removing contaminants. The advanced filter media is able to capture particles as small as 1 micron, ensuring that the final product is free from any impurities or defects that can affect its performance or quality. Additionally, the filter has a large filtration capacity and can effectively remove contaminants even at high flow rates.


Another important feature of the sintered felt polymer melt filter is its durability and long lifespan. The filter media is made of high-quality sintered metal fiber felt that is resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and high temperatures. This ensures that the filter can withstand harsh operating conditions and will last longer than conventional filter systems.








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